If you purchased a LinX II (11.x.y) upgrade for your LinX (10.x.y) recorder, then you would have received one, or two for systems with RAID disk configuration, hard disks that are suitable for your recorder.
To upgrade your recorder you need to replace the existing disk(s) with the disk(s) that you received from us. Follow this procedure:
- Note down any important configuration from the recorder: time zone, clock, IP address etc. You will need this information to re-configure the recorder after you replace the disk(s).
- Shut down the recorder as described in the user guide. Do not simply remove power. If you do so, you risk damage to the current disk(s). It is good idea to keep the current disks in working condition until you complete the upgrade – just in case there is a need to roll back.
- Remove the old disk(s) from the recorder and install the new disk(s). We can provide a maintenance manual for your model of recorder that describes these tasks.
- Connect power.
- Power up the recorder.
- The recorder will boot, reconfigure the software on the new disks for the hardware of the recorder and shut down. The shutdown is intentional.
- Power up the recorder again.
- The recorder will boot and start the LinX II application.
- Configure the recorder as desired.
Note that you will not be able to (and should not) use the Remote Manager PC application once you upgrade to a LinX II (11.x.y) release to access the recorder remotely. So uninstall all instances of Remote Manager from all PCs.
Your upgrade kit includes an Activation Token for 3 licenses that you can use for any the following Total Recall VR PC applications in any combination:
- Total Recall VR Desktop
- Total Recall VR Manager
- Total Recall VR Monitor
- Total Recall VR Browser
- Total Recall VR Audio Player
- Total Recall VR Event Player
Please select, install and configure applications from the above list if you wish to access the recorder remotely after the upgrade. The Total Recall VR Desktop PC appliaction is the appliaction that replaces the Remote Manager PC appliaction, from a function perspective.