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Translator Guide

The following is a guide for the language translators that are tasked with translating the phrases in the languages spreadsheets for Total Recall VR applications.

Special rules

  1. DO NOT use Excel new-line characters (Alt-Enter) in any of the phrases. If a phrase must be split into a number of lines, then use the \n characters in every position of the phase when a line break should occur.
  2. Phrases that appear in the RED colour MUST NOT be translated. They must be copied from the English language column.
  3. Translated phrases should not take up more screen space than the English phrases. Otherwise there is a fair chance that the whole phrase will not fit on the screen.

Spreadsheet structure

Each row of the languages spreadsheets contains one phrase except row 1 which shows the language. The columns contain:

  • Column A – contains the phrase ID. Please DO NOT modify this column. If the phrase ID start with the ‘#’ character then it is simply a comment row that helps organise the content of the spreadsheet. Comments NEED NOT be translated and corresponding row cell may be left empty.
  • Column B – contains the phrase in the English language. This is what you need to translate in the target language.
  • Column C – this is where you must place the translation of the phrase.

For example:

1    Key    English    Spanish
3    playback_description    Playback    Reproducción
4    Australia    Australia    Australia



  1. This row (1) contains the name of the language. The content of this row is not used, it simply identifies the language of the phrases in the same column. For example the phrases in column B are in English while the phrases in column C are in Spanish.
  2. This row (2) is a comment row as the phrase ID (column A) start with the ‘#’ character. The same row in the language column (column C and B) should be empty.
  3. This row (3) contains an actual phrase that must be translated.
  4. This row (4) contains a phrase in red. As a result the English phrase (column B) must be copied in the same row of the column for the target language (column C).


Special characters

Phrases may contain special characters that MUST be inserted unmodified in the translated phrases in a position of the translated phrase that makes sense for the translated phrase. The special characters are:

\n – Forward slash followed by n: indicates a start of a new line.

\ - Forward slash followed by space: indicates a single space character

%s – Percent followed by s - indicates a position in the phrase where text or number will be inserted.

%d – Percent followed by d - indicates a position in the phrase where text or number will be inserted.


For example:

 1     Key    English    Spanish
 2     AutoArchiver.%s__nRescheduling_on_%s_8      %s \nRescheduling on %s      %s \nCambio en %s  
 3     SearchView._Tag_All    \ Tag All      \ Marcar Todas  
 4     DateTimeSettingDlg.Th_%s    The time zone was set to %s.      O fuso horário foi alterado para %s.  
 5     StatusDlg.Rebuild_%d_of_%d__8    Rebuild processing: %d of %d      Processo de reconstrução: %d de %d