Total Recall VR Monitoring App Released!
We are proud to announce the release of our latest PC App, Total Recall VR Monitor!
This new PC App is the all-in-one solution for professional voice logging users. It includes:
- Real Time Monitoring for Multiple Channels;
- Real-time Metadata and Waveform Display of recordings in progress and recordings being monitored;
- Auto-monitoring criteria to automatically initiate monitoring of recordings that match the criteria;
- Waveform lingering with visual indication of audio on multiple channels;
- Integrated Call Browser and Call Player;
- Integrated Event Recreater for saving multiple call files into a single 'project' with visual waveforms;
- And more!
Quite simply, this is the most comprehensive and powerful Total Recall VR PC App that we have relelased to date. Check out all the details here, or contact us for further information.